Conflict of Interest Policy


This policy has been developed to ensure the preservation of the integrity of the SJIB Final Integrated Competence Assessment (FICA) and of all involved in its operation by clarifying what is meant by conflict of interest.


The SJIB defines a conflict of interest as:

 “A situation in which an individual may have competing interests that may jeopardise the standard of assessment or damage the reputation of the FICA”.

Examples of this would be:

  • Where a candidate sitting the FICA was related or known to the assessor
  • If the assessor has been involved in the training or assessing of the candidate during their apprenticeship.


If an assessor or any other relevant member of staff becomes aware of a potential conflict, they should make the Centre Manager aware.

The Centre Manager should ensure that the candidates are assigned to another assessor and/or another centre if necessary. However, if additional guidance is needed, the Secretary of the SJIB should be contacted in writing.

Please note that centre staff who do not declare a conflict of interest will be in breach of the operation licence. This could result in the centre being suspended.


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