From this page, you can download the SJIB handbook or individual sections of it to refer to. We also have guides and applications for the CEC Scheme, adult trainee and apprentice training scheme brochures and other useful documents.

The SJIB Handbook
Download the full SJIB handbook or individual sections.
CEC Scheme
Crediting Electrotechnical Competence (CEC) Scheme, guidance for employers and candidates.

Apprentice and adult training scheme brochure
Find out more about becoming an apprentice, or joining our adult training scheme by downloading the brochure below.
Apprentice and adult training scheme guide
Learn more about the SJIB apprentice and adult training schemes in our guide

HSE Assessment revision guide 2021
This guide contains all the questions that can be used in the awareness assessment, along with the correct answers and, if applicable, a brief explanation of the answer.
Statement of particulars forms
Use the links below to download this year’s statement of particulars form for your operatives, adult trainees and apprentices.
Craftsman certificates
If you completed your apprenticeship through the SJIB Apprentice Scheme, download this form to apply for a replacement Craftsman Certificate.

Update/Replace Existing ECS Card
If you wish to update or replace your current ECS Card (eg if you have additional qualifications that you wish to be added to your ECS card, or your ECS card has been lost or stolen), please contact the SJIB directly using our online form: Contact us |