What is the SJIB

Two smiling new apprentices

The Scottish Joint Industry Board was founded in 1969 by SELECT, the Electrical Contractors’ Association of Scotland, and Unite the Union. The principal objective of the Board is to regulate relations between employers and employees engaged in the industry in Scotland, to provide benefits for persons engaged in the industry in Scotland, to stimulate and further the progress of the industry, and in addition and in the public interest to regulate and control employment, the level of skill and proficiency, health and safety competence, wages and welfare benefits.

Membership of the Board consists of four representatives of SELECT and four representatives of Unite the Union with an independent Chairman. The main functions are the maintenance of the National Working Rules, the registration and licensing of apprentices, grading and registration of employees, the resolution of disputes and the provision of welfare benefits. Find out more about our structure.

SJIB Membership

Find out more about SJIB membership and apply to become a member on our membership page.